Wednesday 14 May 2008

Everytime my life seems to start looking up, I am dealt another blow. Death seems to be following me this year, and I am doing my best to cope with it....monday morning a family friend passed away it was sudden and very sad..Lung cancer diagnosed 4 weeks ago. but instead of grieving for her it just brought up memories of Sophie.. I've got to the stage when I know life should keep going on and I'm trying my best to not let everything affect me, even though it does. Ashamedly, it has caused death for me to become closer to other friends...sad it didn't happen when she was here.
On a plus I have learnt a new trick of getting Mark to do stuff for me (haha), if i ask its bound to be a no but with a simple text message all sorts of amazing stuff arguements either. Who needs vocal cords when you can send a text?


judyb said...

I was so hoping the rest of 2008 would be nothing but tulips and cake for you. I'm thinking about you.

Emily said...

Thank you Judy, I really hope that 2008 gets better, all I can do is look forward because looking back hurts to much xx

Unknown said...

Take care, Emily -- find some time between exams and life frustrations and sorrow to be kind to yourself. You and your family, and your family friend's family, are in my thoughts. I miss you!