Sunday 26 October 2008

Sunday update

I've been out of limbo for the last couple of weeks. I started my placement and am kinda enjoying it, although with my 2 and half hour commute (1 way) to uni for half the week and working the for other half, I've been rolling home completely knackered and not getting any outside work done. This week, I'm on half term so hopefully I will get most of the things that I've pushed to one side done.
In other news, we've moved in to our new flat which is lovely (pics to come soon), but although we've been in for 3ish weeks, we're not totally unpacked (another one of my jobs that needs to be done!). Anyway, I'm expected to produce Sunday lunch for M's family, so I better get a move on!

Friday 3 October 2008


This week has been much more steady, guess I'm getting in to a routine. However, this routine will be out the window by next friday, because we're moving!! Yes, we have a flat and we pick up the keys on thursday. Which is cool! Next week is also the start of one of my teaching placements, so thursday as well as picking up keys and starting on the moving of our items, this is my first day as well....eek!! stayed tuned...