Friday, 30 May 2008

New earrings

New sunnies

Get up off your arse

What does wonders when you are not feeling yourself, is to have a stonking cold! Honestly, its pulling me out of my wallowing hole and I'm actually chirpy, hard to believe!!! Distraction is the key. Also going shopping and finding that you paid half the amount you were meant to due to a cashiers error, oops. NEW CLOTHES!!

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

forward 1 back 10

I guess I have been in a bit of a hole, dark and scarey. Obvious to all around but me, I'm not totally out of feeling like a complete failure but hell I'm trying to make myself go back to being chilled and unbitch like. I guess I'm on the path to getting a terrible mark for my degree, which is totally crap as I've worked so hard in this past year..I don't know what I'm getting but if I do get a third..I'm not quite sure how I'll react. I have been told it doesn't matter, but god it matters to me...I'm basically so stressed I'm not sleeping..when I do sleep it is interrupted. I've often wondered if I had a rewind button on my life if I would press it, at the moment it would be yes...I would go all the way back .Unfortunately there is no button, so I have to carry on, and stop being so depressing..I want to climb back into my bright and happy world, but everything is so hard.

Monday, 26 May 2008

So Funny

My ban on youtubes is up because this is hilarious and I have to share it!

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Turns out my dream isn't so weird after watching an old indiana jones film the same night...oops. Honestly, even disney gives me nightmares.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008


I had the weirdest dream last night, I wouldn't normally discuss this but seeing as I rarely remember my dreams and it was slightly weird, i thought someone might know what it means.
Basically, In my dream i decided i wanted to understand my heart, so I cut my chest and pulled my heart out and was investigating it. I couldn't breath and struggled to put it back in and started to worry, and then I woke up...I think this is the weirdest dream I have ever had.

Monday, 19 May 2008

Big Mouth something I am missing in abundance, the landlord has been showing people around for next year and normally I try to be out, because I hate fake conversations and lieing about stuff. Unfortunately today I stayed in and had to greet the landlord and potential rentie, after a tour of the house.l.they spoke to me (bad move!)...i was trying to be positive but managed to kind of put them off the house by saying I had spent the winter freezing and had to buy extra heaters..i then spent the next 5 minutes back stepping to make it all good...don't think it worked.. poor landlord will never get anyone in here with me opening my mouth.


Pompy Parade
The FA Cup came to Portsmouth, it has been normal for Manchester United/Chelsea/ Arsenal to reach the final, but this year Portsmouth, got to the final and won 1-0 so i took a break from revision, stress and talking to my parents on the phone (added stress...long story and this is going to be a positive post for once) and enjoyed the sunshine! I guess you could say Portsmouth winning the FA Cup is pretty major, the last time they won was in 1939 6 months before the 2nd world war and have held the cup for the longest period without defeat...basically due to the fact there was no FA cup until 1946. So, premier league Portsmouth (though not high in the league) and championship Cardiff got to the final...and excitement has been in the air for the past couple of weeks.
It was amazing seeing people celebrating in the streets, crying and a non hooliganish way, got to admit I wish I supported a particular football team.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Everytime my life seems to start looking up, I am dealt another blow. Death seems to be following me this year, and I am doing my best to cope with it....monday morning a family friend passed away it was sudden and very sad..Lung cancer diagnosed 4 weeks ago. but instead of grieving for her it just brought up memories of Sophie.. I've got to the stage when I know life should keep going on and I'm trying my best to not let everything affect me, even though it does. Ashamedly, it has caused death for me to become closer to other friends...sad it didn't happen when she was here.
On a plus I have learnt a new trick of getting Mark to do stuff for me (haha), if i ask its bound to be a no but with a simple text message all sorts of amazing stuff arguements either. Who needs vocal cords when you can send a text?

Sunday, 11 May 2008


If anybody decides to moves to England, lives in the UK or decides to get Internet with Virgin, be warned. They are STUPID. Wednesday, we rang them to give our 30 days be told we had to pay £80 to end it, even though we are moving to a non cable area....after much arguing (Mark not me...I give up after a while) we still have to pay £80*...Thursday, I tried to ring my brother to wish him happy Birthday to find that the phone wasn't working....i then start a 12 hour shift.....which means neither me or Mark realise that the TV isn't working or the Internet. Friday, back at work get a phone call from Mark saying the idiots had cut TV, broadband and phone by hour later TV and phone are back..Internet will be back by Saturday...Sunday morning..nothing we ring them..get charged to ring them and are told it is our fault! What??? We then ring again to be told it will be back in half an hour (so not our fault), which doesn't the end its back but only cause they realised they didn't send the settings to our Internet box...I have a listening exam tomorrow so at last can do some revision!

* I'm thinking if we kick up a fuss about them cutting us off for 4 days, we might not have to pay.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

26 days

I am a complete mess, disorganised, burnt from the merest glance from the sun and feeling disillusioned after a crappie mark for one of my write ups (how come in the presentation i did well??).
Monday, I was revising for part 1 of my interpretation exam and realised i was missing half my notes, once i had found them I then realised I had lost the notes that I had started off with, I removed my self from the situation imagine swearing and obscene gestures at an imaginary space. Once I came back I opened my folder and there they were sitting at the top...gah. Then after my exam yesterday, i went slightly doolally and started making up french words and literally translating everything think C'est ne pas mon tasse de tea....whatever I wasted half the exam trying to remember how to spell breathalyser (still spelling??) (ok, it was a interpretation vocab exam....with such words as Water hyacinth....Un Jacinthe d'eau and a Weevel...Un Charanson).. basically my interpretation lecturer likes odd words....Then I had my hour lunch in the sun and then realised was beetroot coloured and had marks from where i had been sitting...punishment for not realising sun cream was already needed (Oh I'm not complaing about the weather though)..

Tuesday, 6 May 2008


Sent via my phone which is amazing!

edit: apparently not so amazing as its upside down..

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Birthday month!

May is one horrible month for peoples birthdays, honestly this week there are 3 and the following there are 2....expensive, or not as I have come to find out. ( plus there are others peoples birthdays...but I'm skint and can't afford to buy everyone something)

My little brother who is going to be 10 (yes one major age gap) sorted, and I got him the new Transformers DVD and for my little cousin who is going to be 9 (yeah my parents were young when i came along!) I decided to just buy a book voucher, because what do you give the kid that has everything??(plus I do love my books) Marks dad is sorted because he is still in Oman where he works for the Royal Navy, so he will get something of his choice when he returns. Which just left my two best est buds who are wonderful girlie's but are fashion savvy, have the last make up and bags ( I really want a Radley bag) etc and we do not have the same taste except in jeans. So, I decided to go on to where you can make your own posters and if you buy before the 14Th of May you get 50% off (so one free poster!)...I found a bunch of pictures with us all in and made a smallish poster...which cost me for both including p and p £7.00... bargain, and it is such a cool present!

(what I made in miniture is up the top)