Monday, 7 July 2008

watta watta week

I have just realised I haven't posted in over a week. It has been an odd 9 days really, I celebrated my birthday (3 times!). The first time I went out for cocktails and a bit of a boogey..i also threw a bit of a hissy fit when most of my friends were almost 2 hours late....all is forgiven now though! However at the time it cut my night short and i just came home after getting very very annoyed. The following day I had the worst hangover whilst being a work, so i am guessing drink didn't help to my mood! On the monday before my birthday, my boss brought in a birthday cake for me, which was very sweet and then i went out for a couple of pimms and lemonade with a friend.

On my actual birthday, me and a friend went for a picnic breakfast on the beach, followed by a swim and then met up with some other less hardy people for dinner!
Yesterday, however was the best day of all because I went to a Jack Johnson concert in Newquay and even though the weather was AWFUL, it was the best night I have had in a long time.
In other news i have had somewhat of a dilemma recently, some of you will know that I was going to move in with a friend while Mark sorted his finances out. Well recently I have kind of regretted agreeing to moving in with her, not for any particular reason except I would miss Mark to much. Well, this morning we went to visit a house, it was ok...except maybe I'm a snob because it was ex-council, ugly and i thought it was a rip off for the money. I decided i didn't want it and told her that and then it all came out that i wanted to carrying on living with Mark, and I've now pulled out of searching with her. Although I'm relieved by this I feel so guilty that she has to look by herself and she was relying on me..I have no idea how she will afford it by herself. But this means i'm now on major property searching mode this space.

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