Sunday, 1 June 2008


I've just had the most amazing weekend. I can't believe I haven't been going out more. I'm now positive that if I had gone out more this year I would probably be 5 times happier! Friday, after my shopping trip (woo to clothes), I went to work (last shift ever= :S + :)) and then went for a meal with 30 people from the School of Languages. It was so much fun, sad knowing that some of them I will never see again but it was alot of fun. God I've missed Mojitos! Then on Saturday, we had a BBQ with some friends and...wait for didn't rain! It was fab night and far to much vino was consumed, but i had a lovely chat with some of my friends in to the early hours and it was so enjoyable. Very emotional, very giggly and just what was needed! Highlight of the night: finding a spider on my foot and seeing my friend run about a mile!


judyb said...

Ah yes, mojitos. My friends (and the unlucky bartenders) hate it when i order them, since a real one takes about 10 minutes to make :)

It's good to hear you happy.

Leah said...

Yay for happy times! And, a spider on your foot? Yuck!

Emily said...

I know..Least it wasn't a Mouse!!! Happiness is in the house! wooooooo xxx